Village Park Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the price range of your apartments?
The price range at Village Park is Starting at $1399.
What unit types or floorplans do you offer?
At Village Park we offer the following floorplans: 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments
Do you have any current concessions or move-in specials?
MOVE IN SPECIAL: Call for Specials
What type of leases are offered?
Currently, a lease can be from 6 - 15 months. Each lease is based on current availability, and changes come as lease terms are chosen.
What is the apartments community's pet policy?
No pets allowed
Can you give me directions to your apartment community?
From I-15 exit 800 North Orem Head East towards State Street. Turn left on to State Street heading North. We are on the East side of the road behind O'Reileys Auto Parts.